
megaman painting

A Room for Makoto Tomozawa, 48"x24" acrylic on canvas over panel
inspired by the music of MEGAMAN


chirp 49

newest big chriper.
just tryin to have fun,
i dont like canvas, and during this piece i realized this temporary truth again and again.
i wish the color was slightly different, might rework at some point, make it a little more solid.
might start collaging these things soon
40x44 acrlyic and oil on canvas

nother watercolor large port.

i love the large passages of watercolor.
i may just start abstract versions of them, but i have been saying that for a while. the hair here was not the direction i was planning, but watercolor has its own agenda and i had to make lemonade.
22x30 watercolor on paper


heres my new mol portrait,
i have been getting real comfortable with painting and just showing up and making something, lately. im not sure it translates exactly, but maybe its just a stage of digesting last years experimentation and getting used to the tools ive bought.
looking back at this piece i like the idea of a color field portrait. the shirt area reminds me of matisse . with this approach to the face, i just keep layering color until it looks right.

42x36" acrylic on birch



3 cockpits.
graphite, guache and acrylic on paper, 20"x25"


more birds

these are my most recent large watercolors.
though i have done nearly 10 more little birds and a large acrylic and oil since.
i have been pretty productive, and the birds give me alot to chew on.
i would love to know what yall think about these
they go back and forth in their potency but i dont show the ones i dont like here or at the gallery.
for me, the birds are a great excuse to make an abstraction, or as close as i can get at this point to something interesting in that color field and reinterpretation of an image format i like so much.

workin on some portraits now, got balloon fiesta kickin so its crazy in my neck of the woods, not to mention the other stuff.

weird shit

i had a weird dream where the revolutionary war was happing in a few different periods/places at once and all the solders had on nike airs. these are all acrylic on 20"x25" paper...the painting up top i kinda left unfinished cause i got real sick of these paintings and they just seem kinda...dorky. i just needed a break from the other stuff i was doin' and soon i'm gonna get back into it. also i changed around my jeremycouillard.com if you have any advice on how to make it prettier/more user friendly please lemmie know.
are we still doin' this lightgeist thing? been pretty scarce lately...